Thursday, July 10, 2008

CAD files CAD files CAD files

Hey Sal, this is good stuff!

Right now the major thing I want to make sure you have is the CAD files of the floor plan layouts BEFORE the Form Z- it's the only way we can all be sure we're working with the same dimensions (plus once you have AutoCAD it's way easier to extrude everything in FormZ)

I would give full priority to drawing up some sections/elevations/floor plans in CAD. They don't need to be super detailed though they should be layered properly (the layers should all be set up for you with the unit plans. A rough formZ won't hurt either. We can all work on detailing them afterwards.

Also, I can't stress enough for everyone from now on:

* * * * * L A Y E R S * * * * * - especially in Form Z.

If we end up with too cluttered of a FormZ file we won't be able to use it. Make sure every component has its own layer that is clearly labeled.

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